I am not able to get knockout.validation up and running with durandal. knockout itself is working fine. If anyone got this straight I would be thankful for posting the configuration.
// main.js
paths: {
"libs": "../scripts",
"knockout": "../scripts/knockout-2.2.1",
'knockout.validation': '../scripts/knockout.validation'
shim: {
'knockout.validation': {
deps: ["knockout"]
define(function (require) {
validation = require('libs/knockout.validation')
// other dependencies are omitted
ko.validation = validation;
// ko works fine
// ko validation has been set
// my viewmodel
function (logger, app, system, router, dataservice) {
var user_name = ko.observable().extend( {required: true } );
var user_password = ko.observable().extend( {required: true });
// Unable to get property 'extend' of undefined or null reference
// the same happens, if I define '/libs/knockout.validation locally
Does kockout.validation behaves different than other plugins?
As I mentioned in the comments, knockout validation doesn't play well yet with require.js at the moment. Durandal relies on require.js during development until you optimize your app.
This link details a work around for now.