I'm trying to put all what belongs to my WPF Commands into one region with ReSharpers Code Cleanup
. I've tried following XML inside my working pattern. But this isn't working. I guess the match isn't working.
Also I would like to move methods with specific parameters. Is this anyway possible?
I'm using ReSharper 7.1.1.
<ImplementsInterface CLRName="ICommand">
<ImplementsInterface CLRName="ISimpleCommand">
<Access Order="public internal protected-internal protected private" />
<Group Region="Commands"/>
After a few emails with Jetbrains came out that it is not possible.
A way could be using regular expressions. See here
<Name Is="$val” [IgnoreCase=”true/false”]>
Regular expression. IgnoreCase indicates whether to ignore case
<HasAttribute CLRName=”$val” [Inherit=”true/false”]>
Regular expression. Inherit indicates if it applies to inherited classes.