Is there a method to create a live template which would give out the current timestamp by maybe pressing 't' + TAB in phpStorm:
I want to do this in the creation of the DocBlocks as I like to keep a track of the changes in the code, for Ex :
* This is the info for the doc.
* User: sankalp
* Date: 3/8/13
* Time: 10:58 AM <- I want the implementation here.
* @author : [email protected]
public function actionSomething(){
#some code here...
So is there a method to achieve this? Or would I have to use the see-the-watch-and-generate-your-own-timestamp approach?
File templates are written in the Velocity Template Language (VTL).
And apparently VTL predefines time as ${TIME}
* Created by ${PRODUCT_NAME}.
* User: ${USER}
* Date: ${DATE}
* Time: ${TIME}
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
For Live Templates, see
Go to the Live Templates. Create a new entry named t (or whatever you want) and put $TIME$
into the Template Text box. Set the context to PHP. Then click "Edit Variables" and select time()
as the expression. Apply the changes. Next time you hit tab-t it will insert the current time.
However, when you want this to "keep a track of the changes in the code", then why not just use a Version Control System, like Git, Mercurial or SVN to keep track of the changes. Then you don't need the time in the DocBlock at all.