I am pretty new at shell scripting and I have been struggling all day to figure out how to perform a "for" command. Essentially, what I am trying to do is the following:
I have a list.txt file with a bunch of names:
for every name in the list, there are two different files, each with a different ending to the name. Ex:
The program I am trying to run is called sickle
. Basically, it takes two files (that correspond to each other) and runs an analysis on them, hence requiring me to have this naming scheme. The sickle command is as follow:
sickle pe -f input_file1.fastq -r input_file2.fastq -t sanger \
If someone could help me out, at least just by telling me how to get unix to read the list of files and treat each line independently I think I could go from there. I tried a few things, but none of them worked.
There are a couple of ways to do it. Since the names are 'one per line' in the data file, we can assume there are no newlines in the file names.
loopfor file in $(<list.txt)
sickle pe -f "${file}_file1.fastq" -r "${file}_file2.fastq" -t sanger
loop with read
while read file
sickle pe -f "${file}_file1.fastq" -r "${file}_file2.fastq" -t sanger
done < list.txt
The for
loop only works if there are no blanks in the names (nor other white-space characters such as tabs). The while
loop is clean as long as you don't have newlines in the names, though using while read -r file
would give you even better protection against the unexpected. The double quotes around the file name in the for
loop are decorative (but harmless) because the file names cannot contain blanks, but those in the while
loop prevent file names containing blanks from being split when they should not be split. It's often a good idea to quote variables every time you use them, though it strictly only matters when the variable might contain blanks but you don't want the value split up.
I've had to guess what names should be passed to the sickle
command since your question is not clear about it — I'm 99% sure I've guessed wrong, but it matches the different suffixes in your sample command assuming the base name of file is input
. I've omitted the trailing backslash; it is the 'escape' character and it is not clear what you really want there.