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How to use an OR condition in c:if in Facelets

How can I use an OR condition in <c:if> in Facelets? I need to check for privlage if it is 3 or 2 or 5.

 <c:if test="#{Privlage=='3'or '2' or '5'}" > 


  • Just follow the same logic as in normal Java:

    if (privilege.equals("3") || privilege.equals("2") || privilege.equals("5"))

    Thus, so:

    <c:if test="#{privilege == '3' || privilege == '2' || privilege == '5'}">

    You can use eq instead of == and or instead of || in EL.

    <c:if test="#{privilege eq '3' or privilege eq '2' or privilege eq '5'}">

    If you're on EL 3.0, then you can make use of new ability to declare inline collections via the new #{[...]} syntax for lists and #{{...}} syntax for sets. So, the below Java equivalent:

    List<String> privileges = Arrays.asList("3", "2", "5");
    if (privileges.contains(privilege))

    Can in EL 3.0 be done like:

    <c:if test="#{['3','2','5'].contains(privilege)}">

    See also: