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How to use code-behind to create StackPanel -> Border -> Background

I'm trying to set properties of a TreeViewItem -> StackPanel in c# like this question. It seems to make a lot of sense until I get to the part where I try to edit the Background in my Border. Borders have Background objects in them, but for the life of me I can't set a color or anything. It seems to be inconsistent because I can add Content to a Label by simply saying, Content = "Title".

Anyway, this is my code:

public static TreeViewItem childNode = new TreeViewItem() //Child Node 
     Header = new StackPanel
         Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
         Children =
             new Border {
                 Width = 12,
                 Height = 14,
                 Background = ? //How do I set the background?
             new Label {
                 Content = "Child1"

PS - I have the same problem when trying to add a BorderBrush

Thank you!


  • Background property accepts an Brush. Therefore, the code can set the color as follows:

    MyLabel.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;

    Or this:

    SolidColorBrush myBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
    MyLabel.Background = myBrush;

    To set any color, you can use BrushConverter:

    BrushConverter MyBrush = new BrushConverter();
    MyLabel.Background = (Brush)MyBrush.ConvertFrom("#ABABAB");

    Setting the property to the LinearGradientBrush in code:

    LinearGradientBrush myBrush = new LinearGradientBrush();
    myBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Yellow, 0.0));
    myBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Green, 0.5));
    myBrush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Red, 1.0));
    MyLabel.Background = myBrush;

    For you it would look like this:

    private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TreeViewItem childNode = new TreeViewItem()
            Header = new StackPanel
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                 Children =
                     new Border
                         Width = 12,
                         Height = 14,
                         Background = Brushes.Yellow, // Set background here
                     new Label 
                         Content = "Child1", 
                         Background = Brushes.Pink, // Set background here