I'm building a small Node app that queries an local n3 triple file, and using rdfstore-js. I have everything working OK with the example that the documentation uses, but thats a remote triple store. Documentation is confusing as to what parameters to pass in to rdfstore.create() for a local file. Perhaps something like this?
rdfstore.create(function(store) {
store.execute('LOAD /Users/Ben/Desktop/MET/triple_SPARQL/triples.n3 text/n3 ', function() {
Anyone used rdfstore-js and has loaded in local files?
From glancing at the source code, rdfstore-js doesn't seem to support loading local files referenced in SPARQL Updates (eg: LOAD <file:///myfile.ttl>
However, you can read the file yourself and pass the data in directly:
var rdfstore = require('rdfstore')
, fs = require('fs');
var rdf = fs.readFileSync('/var/foo/bar.ttl').toString();
store.load('text/turtle', rdf, function(s,d){
store.execute("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10", function(success, results){
console.log(success, results);