I use GXT 3.0.5 (commercial license).
When I create a grid with a GridInlineEditing
, I have some weird bug on Chrome only :
, the columns cannot be edited (the edition component appears then disappears immediatly)setCLicksToEdit(TWO)
, I can edit all columns except the ones containing a CheckBox
: The CheckBox
appears but when I click on it, the edition finishes and the value is not updated.I created a small example with a Grid which display several times this Bean :
public class MyBean {
private Integer id;
private String label;
private Boolean enabled;
public MyBean(Integer id, String label, Boolean enabled) {
this.id = id;
this.label = label;
this.enabled = enabled;
//Getters & Setters
And the corresponding grid. I made it as simple as possible :
public class MyGrid extends Composite {
public interface MyPropertyAccess extends PropertyAccess<MyBean> {
ValueProvider<MyBean, Integer> id();
ValueProvider<MyBean, String> label();
ValueProvider<MyBean, Boolean> enabled();
public MyGrid(){
//Build columnModel
MyPropertyAccess propertyAccess = GWT.create(MyPropertyAccess.class);
ColumnConfig<MyBean, Integer> colId = new ColumnConfig<MyBean, Integer>(propertyAccess.id(),500, "ID");
ColumnConfig<MyBean, String> colLabel = new ColumnConfig<MyBean, String>(propertyAccess.label(), 500, "Label");
ColumnConfig<MyBean, Boolean> colEnabled = new ColumnConfig<MyBean, Boolean>(propertyAccess.enabled(), 500, "Enabled");
ColumnModel<MyBean> columnModel = new ColumnModel<MyBean>(Arrays.<ColumnConfig<MyBean,?>>asList(colId, colLabel, colEnabled));
//Create grid
Grid<MyBean> grid = new Grid<MyBean>(new ListStore<MyBean>(buildModelKeyProvider()), columnModel);
//Make it editable
GridInlineEditing<MyBean> inlineEditing = new GridInlineEditing<MyBean>(grid);
inlineEditing.addEditor(colLabel, new TextField());
inlineEditing.addEditor(colEnabled, new CheckBox());
//Fill store with dummy values
for(int i = 1;i<=30;i++){
grid.getStore().add(new MyBean(i, "Bean"+i, i%2==0));
private ModelKeyProvider<MyBean> buildModelKeyProvider(){
return new ModelKeyProvider<MyBean>() {
public String getKey(MyBean item) {
return Integer.toString(item.getId());
Do I do something wrong or is there a bug in GXT?
Note : I can replace the GridInlineEditing
with a GridRowEditing
(it works) but this doesn't meet the users need anymore.
Note : On firefox, I have the same problem with setCLicksToEdit(ONE)
but everything is fine with setCLicksToEdit(TWO)
Check this out http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/grid/row-editing.html It's a newer GXT version but you can see checkboxes don't update when you commit changes. It seems to be a bug in GXT.
And this one could help you with the first issue: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?266458-GridInlineEditing-fires-blur-event-immediately-after-cliking