I am getting this error on the Netbeans IDE with the codes. Javadocs say that "asynchronous session bean invocation is not allowed in project targeting java ee 6 lite profile"
Javadocs say that "asynchronous session bean invocation is not allowed in project targeting java ee 6 lite profile"
As Java EE 6 comes with different profiles (i.e. Web/Lite profile and Full) not all functionality is supported in the Web/Lite profile. Especially the web profile only supports "EJB Lite" which comes without support for asynchronous EJBs have a look at the following article which comes with a table describing the features in EJB Lite and 'regular' EJB So what you'd have to do is create a project with the full profile in Netbeans. This will give you access to @Asynchonous.