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Can't change properties of LinkButtons in CodeBehind

I have rlly trouble with a imo simple thing i allready did like million times, but this time, I cant.

I have LinkButtons in my Gridview like

        <asp:LinkButton ID="GVCon_TFEdit" runat="server" CssClass="eh_label_style" CommandArgument="Edit" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit"></asp:LinkButton>

And those i have six times. Allways one Edit and one Delete-LinkButton.

Then i try to change the visible of them in Codebehind at line 5 (if i comment it out, then on 6 etc):

1    protected void Page_PreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
2            {
3                if (Session["Permissions"].ToString() == "User")
4                {
5                    GVComp_TFDelete.Visible = false;
6                    GVComp_TFEdit.Visible = false;
7                    GVCon_TFDelete.Visible = false;
8                    GVCon_TFEdit.Visible = false;
9                    GVMatr_TFDelete.Visible = false;
10                   GVMatr_TFEdit.Visible = false;

But it allways brings me the goodknown exception:

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Well - I'm sure the object isnt null there anymore ?! (And Session["Permissions"] isnt null for sure also, because it is getting his Status in PreLoad allready ...)

And maybe I have to tell you more, because i had problems with EXACTLY those LinkButtons bevore ^^ So - in those TemplateFields i had exactly the same LinkButtons, then i changed the name of those LB, and since then i couldnt use them in CodeBehind. It was because they werent in the designerfile anymore ... So i tried alot of tips I found evrywhere in the inet, also tips from here - but they didnt worked (Like rebuilding the designerfile, writing the LinkButtons new into the aspx-file also I made sure that the file is in the right folder etc ...) Nothing worked. So i added them by hand into the designer.cs. Now i can "use" them in the CodeBehind, but when I start debugging - it runs into this error.

Would be really nice if you could help me, this is so annoying ...


  • Since you are using a Gridview, you will have to use the event RowDataBound for the gridview.

    And in that event, you will have to check for e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow.

    After that, you can use

    LinkButton lb = ((LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("GVCon_TFEdit"));

    to get the linkbutton for the current row, and then use lb.Visible = false; or whatever code you need.