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html Map not working in IE

For some reason, Image Map is not working (partially) in IE.

For e.g. in this code, the first link MapMap2 is working but the lower one MapMap is not working in IE.

Any idea?


<div class="hero">
    <div class="container_12">
        <div class="grid_10 prefix_1 suffix_1">

            <img name="home001_r2_c1" src="images/ndm-head.jpg" width="1100" height="491" id="home001_r2_c1" alt="" border="0"  usemap="#MapMap2"/>
             <map name="MapMap2" id="MapMap">
                <area shape="rect" coords="51,46,443,207" href="index.html" />

  <div class="masonry" role="main">

      <div class="lower-body"><img name="home001_r2_c2" src="images/home.jpg" width="1100" height="1219" id="home001_r2_c2" alt="" border="0" usemap="#MapMap"/>
         <map name="MapMap" id="MapMap">
         <area shape="rect" coords="53,1117,147,1150" href="index.html" />
         <area shape="rect" coords="150,1113,321,1149" href="C4P.html" />




  • Don't use two map id's. Change the first Map's id from MapMap to MapMap2 and see if that works.