I uploaded a patient model jar on guvnor, the class has name and result field.
I created a rule in guvnor to insert result as "pass" whenever the name has particular value: The code of rule is as below:
rule "IsJohn"
dialect "mvel"
Patient( name == "John")
Patient fact0 = new Patient();
fact0.setResultString( "Pass" );
fact0.setName( "Patient: John" );
insert( fact0 );
Below is the java code to call this rule.
KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = readKnowledgeBase();
StatefulKnowledgeSession session = knowledgeBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
Patient patient = new Patient();
System.out.println("patient.name "+patient.getName());
System.out.println("************patient.name "+patient.getName());
System.out.println("patient result string is "+patient.getResultString());
But when I run this code I get same name and result string as null. So what mistake am I doing here.
Basically I just need a way through which I can call a simple rule and display back the result using java. Is there any example demonstrating it.
The problem is that, in your rule, you are creating a new instance of Patient instead of modifying the existing one. What you need to do is to bind the matching Patient and use it in your RHS:
rule "IsJohn"
dialect "mvel"
fact0: Patient( name == "John")
fact0.setResultString( "Pass" );
fact0.setName( "Patient: John" );
update( fact0 );
// Only do the 'update' if you want other rules to be aware of this change.
// Even better, if you want other rules to notice these changes use 'modify'
// construct insted of 'update'. From the java perspective, you don't need
// to do this step: you are already invoking setResultString() and setName()
// on the real java object.
Hope it helps,