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What is the java/scala configuration needed to integrate Atmosphere (version 1.0.13)?

I'm sure this is something pretty simple, but I can't recall coming across a library that has more discrepancies between its documents, APIs and versions. (Though in all fairness, I'm sure they exist!) As far as I can tell from the resources I've looked through, I think this is pretty close to "current" but I'm getting an error (No AtmosphereHandler maps request for /path/to/service/point) and needing a little guidance on what I should try next.

I can re-post the verbose version, but in short...

1) the web.xml has this servlet entry (from latest? git chat sample):


2) the web-app has this class definition (in Scala):

@AtmosphereHandlerService(path = "/path/to/service/point")
class MyCustomAtmoHandler extends AtmosphereHandler with Logging with OtherStuff {
   override def onRequest {...}
   override def onStateChange {...}
   override def destroy {...}

Note: the document I was using as a guide did not contain the annotation parameter "path" - which I had to add in order to get it to compile.

EDIT: This is using Jetty version 9.0.4.v20130625


  • In answer to my own questions (in case some other wandering sole finds themselves in the same position) I had to do two things to solve the problem:

    1) drop the AtmosphereHandlerService annotation, or least the "path" parameter. (It might be possible to operate the annotation using the rest of the parameters; not sure.)

    2) add a file called atmosphere.xml to the META-INF folder, which contains something like:

        <atmosphere-handler support-session="false"
        <atmosphere-handler support-session="true"

    So...the web.xml (or whatever deployment file/architecture your servlet container uses) creates the "overall" context path for ALL handlers, whereas specific routes are bound to each individual Handler using the atmosphere.xml markup. (Something like "/websocket/*" should allow routing to both of those hypothetical Handlers.

    There's probably better ways of stating this solution from a technical standpoint, but hopefully that layman's summary points you in the right direction.