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Simpliest way to add an attribute to a jar Manifest in Maven

Since the last Java update, I need to tag my applet jars manifest with the Trusted-Library attribute to avoid warning popup when javascript is communicating with the applet. (see

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Trusted-Library: true
Created-By: 1.6.0-internal (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

I never done such things before, is there a plugin which allow to do that in a seamless way or should I write one, or use the ant plugin?

The jars are already assembled and available through dependencies, copied in the target folder to be signed during the packaging. I'm using Maven 3


  • In the end I just used the antrun plugin like the following, antcontrib is used to loop over the list of jars:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- This is a wrapper for all the other build files. -->
    <project basedir="." name="project_name">
      <target name="addTrustedLibraryProperty">
        <jar file="${jarFile}" update="true">
            <attribute name="Trusted-Library" value="true" />
      <target name="addTrustedLibraries">
        <ac:foreach target="addTrustedLibraryProperty" param="jarFile" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">
            <fileset dir="target/lib" includes="**/*.jar" />

    In the pom

                    <ant antfile="${basedir}/build-trusted.xml">
                      <target name="addTrustedLibraries" />