private JTextField resultTextField = new JTextField("0");
resultTextField.setBounds(COMMON_X, COMMON_Y, 180, 50);
I have created a JTextField as above.My application consists of number buttons and '.'. When I click on number buttons they get appended right (i.e. "5" on 5 click and then "52" on 2 click). But on clicking the '.' button the expected result is "5." but the it is displayed as ".5" and then on clicking "2" , "5.2" is displayed. Where could I be going wrong?
I'm guessing (from your tags) that you're programming a calculator of some sort and that you want to achieve right-aligned text, not right-to-left-oriented text. Right-to-left orientation is used for e.g. arabic languages, which are written (you guessed it) from right to left, instead of the "western" way of writing from left to right.
I suggest you remove the applyComponentOrientation()
and look at setHorizontalAlignment instead.
PS: that being said, I can't really tell why '5'+'.' is '.5', but '5'+'.'+'2' is displayed as '5.2'.