I have a bunch of jpg images which I can manually convert successfully to .svg using certain settings in Inkscape. But I'd like to run batch conversion from commandline.
Is it possible to manipulate the following settings via commandline ? :
Path / Trace path / Mode - (x) Grays Scans: [2 ]
Path / Trace path / Mode - [ ] Smooth
Path / Trace path / Mode - [x] Stack scans
Path / Trace path / Mode - [x] Remove background
Path / Trace path / Options - [x] Suppress speckles, Size: [2 ]
Path / Trace path / Options - [x] Smooth corners, Threshold [0.10]
Path / Trace path / Options - [x] Optimize paths, Tolerance [0.10]
// Something like
>inkscape.exe source.jpg result.svg --trace-path=<the_above_settings>
Checkout Potrace it's integrated into Inkscape but there's also a command line version: