I have few timestamp format
time stamp format contains YYYY MM DD hh mm ss S AM/PM CountryName/CityName(zone)
YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.z
I want to do validation on timestamp value, If time stamp value is future value (or greater than existing) then want to show.notification message to user.
For Date format I have written following code which works to check Future date
DateTimeFormat df = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(dateFormat);
Date updateDate = df.parseStrict(newDateValue);
Date synchronizedDate = df.parseStrict(synchronizedDB_DateValue);
boolean isFutureDate = updateDate.after(synchronizedDate);
if (isFutureDate ) {
// send notification
else {
// do nothing
Following code only works for timestamp format = YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S
String timestampFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S"; // It works
//String timestampFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S AM/PM";
//String timestampFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S AM/PM z"
//String timestampFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S z ";
String newTimestampFormat= timestampFormat.replaceAll("-", ".");
newTimestampFormat = newTimestampFormat.replace("YYYY", "yyyy");
newTimestampFormat = newTimestampFormat.replace("AM/PM", "a");
DateTimeFormat df = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(newTimestampFormat);
Date updateDate = df.parse(newTimeStampValue); // UPDATED VALUE = 2013.08.21 00:00:00.123
Date synchronizedDate = df.parseStrict(synchronizedDB_DateValue); // current or old db value = 2013.07.11 00:00:00.123
boolean isFutureTimestamp = updateDate.after(synchronizedDate);
if (isFutureTimestamp ) {
// send notification
else {
// do nothing
What changes I need to do for all other time-stamp format ?
Thanks in advance.
This is my solution and It Works :)
private boolean function isFutureTimestamp(){
String gwtTimestampFormat = convertToGwtTimeStampFormat(timestampFormat);
// timestampFormat = YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.S AM/PM z
// gwtTimestampFormat = yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.S a z
DateTimeFormat df = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(gwtTimestampFormat);
String newlyUpdatedTimestampValue = convertToGwtTimeStampFormat(timestampValue);
Date updatedDateTime = df.parse(newlyUpdatedTimestampValue);
String currentTimestamp = convertToGwtTimeStampFormat(currentTimestampValue);
Date currentDateTime = df.parse(currentTimestamp);
boolean isFutureTimestamp = updatedDateTime.after(currentDateTime);
return isFutureTimestamp;
private String convertToGwtTimeStampFormat(String gwtTimestampFormat) {
if (gwtTimestampFormat != null && gwtTimestampFormat.length() > 20) { // "2012-12-23 23:12:32.2".length= 21
gwtTimestampFormat = gwtTimestampFormat.replace("-", ".");
gwtTimestampFormat = gwtTimestampFormat.replace("YYYY", "yyyy");
gwtTimestampFormat = gwtTimestampFormat.replace("DD", "dd");
gwtTimestampFormat = gwtTimestampFormat.replace("AM/PM", "a");
return gwtTimestampFormat;
else {
return "";