I have just finished with my food fill algorithm in python. It runs on an N*N matrix filled with integers. I would like to somehow animate it's workings. Is it somehow possible on the console? I think of something like updateing the nodes with a wait() inbetween the updates.
You could use something like this:
#! /usr/bin/python3
import time
m = [ [c for c in line] for line in '''............................
....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.....'''.split ('\n') ]
def flood (matrix, start):
maxX = len (matrix [0] )
maxY = len (matrix)
tbf = [start]
while tbf:
x, y = tbf [0]
tbf = tbf [1:]
if x < 0 or x >= maxX or y < 0 or y >= maxY: continue
if matrix [y] [x] == 'X': continue
matrix [y] [x] = 'X'
tbf += [ (x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1) ]
print ('\x1b[0J\x1b[1;1H') #Clear screen and position cursor top left
for line in matrix: print (''.join (line) )
time.sleep (.2)
#flood (m, (0, 0) )
flood (m, (4, 2) )
This should work on any console that supports ANSI escape sequences (CSI). You can use the same CSI codes for outputting colours (Wiki).