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Nullpointer runtime exception

Cant seem to find the problem, a bit lost in my code right now... could really use a better eye. Really appreciate it.

Here is the error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Heap.<init>(
    at Heap$1.<init>(
    at Heap.main(

public abstract class Heap {

    private List heap_array; // Arraylist containing heap.
     private List<ELEM> priority_queue; //ArrayList containing ELEMS.
     private int heapsize; // Maximum heapsize of the heap.
     private int n; // Number of elements currently in the heap.
     private int last_elem = heap_array.size()-1; // last elem in the heap

     public Heap(int s, int n) {
        heap_array = new ArrayList();
          priority_queue = new ArrayList<ELEM>();
          s = heapsize;
          n = this.n;

    protected int returnMaxPriority(){
        int max = priority_queue.get(priority_queue.size()-1).getLocation();
        return max;

    public void shiftDown(int i) {
        int leftChild = leftChild(i);
        int rightChild = rightChild(i);
        int largest = i;

            // Max Heapify
        if (leftChild < heap_array.size() 
          && !aboveOrEqual(largest, leftChild)) {
            largest = leftChild;
        if (rightChild < heap_array.size() 
          && !aboveOrEqual(largest, rightChild)) {
            largest = rightChild;

        if (largest != i) {
            switchElems(largest, i);

    public void insert(Object obj, int priority) {
              int object_i = 0;
             while (object_i > 0 && !aboveOrEqual(parent(object_i), object_i)) {
          switchElems(parent(object_i), object_i);
          object_i = parent(object_i);
            // enqueue(object_i, priority);

    public Object removeLast() {
        if (heap_array.size() > 0) {
            switchElems(0, last_elem);
            Object result = heap_array.remove(last_elem);
            return result;
        } else {
            return null;

    public Object get(int index) {
        return heap_array.get(index); //Return object

    public int heapsize() {
        return heap_array.size();

    protected int parent(int i) {
        return (i - 1) / 2;
     protected void update_N(int n){
             n = this.n;

      protected void update_Size(int size){
             heapsize = size;

    protected int leftChild(int i) {
        return 2 * i + 1;

    protected int rightChild(int i) {
        return 2 * i + 2;

    protected void switchElems(int i, int j) {
        Object tmp = heap_array.get(i);
        heap_array.set(i, heap_array.get(j));
        heap_array.set(j, tmp);

    public void enqueue(int object_i, int priority) {
           ELEM tmp = new ELEM(priority, object_i);
          priority_queue.add(object_i, tmp);

     public int dequeue() {
     if (heap_array.size() > 0) {
     int max_location = returnMaxPriority();
        return max_location;
        else{return -1;}

     public void changeWeight(int object_i, int priority){
           ELEM tmp = new ELEM(priority, object_i); 
           priority_queue.set(object_i, tmp);

     protected abstract boolean aboveOrEqual(int value1, int value2);

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Heap h = new Heap(100, 20) {
            protected boolean aboveOrEqual(int value1, int value2) {
                return ((Integer)get(value1)).intValue() 
                     >= ((Integer)get(value2)).intValue(); //Compares the objects int values.

        System.out.println("Enter a list of numbers, then type quit: ");

          for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            h.insert(new Integer((int)(100 * Math.random())), i);

class sortPriorityArray implements Comparator<ELEM> {
    public int compare(ELEM s1, ELEM s2){
        int value1 = s1.getPriority();
        int value2 = s2.getPriority();

        if(value1 < value2){
        return 1;
        else if(value2 > value1){
        return -1;    
        return 0;

If you could also take a look at my insert function and returnmax. The class ELEM contains priority and location so I can dequeue in the proper order by sorting the priority_queue by priority then dequeue the highest priority first.


  • private int last_elem = heap_array.size()-1; // last elem in the heap

    This line calls size() on a list that hasn't been initialized yet.