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Non-Apple Issued Code Signing Certificate: Can it Work with Mac OS 10.8 Gatekeeper?

Our company develops our application for both Mac OS X and Windows. We have an existing purchased code signing certificate from a non-Apple authority we use to ID our Windows installers. We distribute both our DMGs & MSIs through our own company website.

The code signing guide for Mountain Lion's new Gatekeeper feature seems to imply that a non-Apple issued standard certificate would work, though I could be misinterpreting what "third-party" means in this case:

Note: Apple uses the industry-standard form and format of code signing certificates. Therefore, if your company already has a third-party signing identity that you use to sign code on other systems, you can use it with the OS X codesign command...

Is it possible to use this non-Apple certificate, and if so, how could it be incorporated using the command line "codesign" command?


  • Cannot take credit for this, but the blunt answer is:


    I just spent a good three days converting certificates and searching the internets to find these: