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System.load giving Unsatisfied Link Error

I have an application which is using one native library which is dependent on another .so file.

I tried setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH using command line on linux 32 bit system:


It is setting path as:

tushar@tushar-desktop:~$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

But when I try to run my code I get null in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I think because of which I am getting Unsatisfied Link Error.

Here is my testing code:

String lib = "";
String ld_lib_path = System.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
System.out.println("***LD_LIBRARY_PATH ***"+ ld_lib_path); // **GIVING NULL**
String[] paths = ld_lib_path.split(":");
for(int i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
    String p = paths[i];
    File x = new File(p, lib);
    System.out.println("***Path name *****" + i + " : "+ x.getAbsolutePath());
    if (x.exists()) {

Actual Code:

System.load("/home/usb/"); // **HERE I am getting Unsatisfied Link Error**

UPDATE: I have set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the VM arguments and I am getting path name on running follwing line in my java code. So path is set.

 String ld = System.getProperty("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");

Now the problem is that when I try to load the using System.load("/home/arun/") I still get Unsatisfied Link Error.

I tried loading some other .so file and I am able to do that. I don't know why I am getting error only on

I am integrating Griaule Finger SDK 2009 into my finger reading application.


  • Are you running your program in the same shell?

    You need to run your application in the same shell were you are setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it doesn't work if you have are modifying an environment in a "window console" and running your programm in Eclipse or another window.


    If you are using Eclipse, in your menu, go to Project --> Properties --> Run/Debug Settings, then choose the configuration you're using and edit it, you will see this window:

    enter image description here

    Select the tab "Environment" and click on "New" you'll know what to do for the rest.