I have an application which is using one native library libclient.so. which is dependent on another .so file.
I tried setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH using command line on linux 32 bit system:
It is setting path as:
tushar@tushar-desktop:~$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
But when I try to run my code I get null in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I think because of which I am getting Unsatisfied Link Error.
Here is my testing code:
String lib = "libclient.so";
String ld_lib_path = System.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
System.out.println("***LD_LIBRARY_PATH ***"+ ld_lib_path); // **GIVING NULL**
String[] paths = ld_lib_path.split(":");
for(int i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
String p = paths[i];
File x = new File(p, lib);
System.out.println("***Path name *****" + i + " : "+ x.getAbsolutePath());
if (x.exists()) {
Actual Code:
System.load("/home/usb/libclient.so"); // **HERE I am getting Unsatisfied Link Error**
UPDATE: I have set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the VM arguments and I am getting path name on running follwing line in my java code. So path is set.
String ld = System.getProperty("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
Now the problem is that when I try to load the libgrfingerjava.so using System.load("/home/arun/libgrfinger.so")
I still get Unsatisfied Link Error.
I tried loading some other .so file and I am able to do that. I don't know why I am getting error only on libgrfingerjava.so
I am integrating Griaule Finger SDK 2009 into my finger reading application.
Are you running your program in the same shell?
You need to run your application in the same shell were you are setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it doesn't work if you have are modifying an environment in a "window console" and running your programm in Eclipse or another window.
If you are using Eclipse, in your menu, go to Project --> Properties --> Run/Debug Settings, then choose the configuration you're using and edit it, you will see this window:
Select the tab "Environment" and click on "New" you'll know what to do for the rest.