Maybe such problem was already discussed here, but I can't even realize, how to properly google such case.
In Rails I have following models:
User (has_many book_specimens, has_many friendships, has_many friends through friendship, has_many books through book_specimens)
Book_specimen (belongs_to user, belongs_to book)
Book (has_many book_specimens, has_many owners through book_specimens)
Friendship (belongs_to user, belongs_to friend)
What I need is to search books amongs those which user's friends have. If breaking into not-sql logic, it would look like
results = [];
friends.each do |friend|
results.push( conditions: {title: 'Lorem', owner_id:})
Is there any way I can do it in one command? How should I prepare indices then?
Thanks in advance.
Your Books model will have the following indexes defined (apart from others that you may chose):
define_index do
indexes title
has owner_ids
With this index, assuming you have the target 'user', the search command will become: conditions: {title: 'Lorem'}, with: {owner_ids: user.friend_ids}