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MimeMessage emails - create a "in-reply" email

Currently , I'm recieving emails with my server(imap through spring framework)

the messages i recieve are of type MimeMessage.

lets say i now got a new email (X)

I would like to create a new MimeMessage (Y) that in it's body it will say that this email is in response (reply) to (X)

how can i do this?

p.s the (Y) message is going to be sent from a different SMTP url later on, so X and Y are not related.



  • Simply create the new message and set its content to whatever you want - presumably something like...

    "In Reply To:\n\n" + copied_text_content_from_received_message;

    However, be aware that the inbound content might have various formats, including multipart (see JavaDoc for MimeMessage.getContent().