I am working on a problem where i'm required to store elements with requirements of No Duplication and Maintaining order. I chose to go with LinkedHashSet
Since it fulfilled both my requirements.
Let's say I have this code:
LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet();
//do something to remove elements added after"D" i-e remove "E", "C" and "F"
//maybe hs.removeAll(Collection<?>c) ??
Can anyone please guide me with the logic to remove these elements?
Am I using the wrong datastructure? If so, then what would be a better alternative?
So, after trying a couple of things mentioned above, I chose to implement a different Data structure. Since I did not have any issue with the O(n) for this problem (as my data is very small)
I used Graphs, this library came in really handy: http://jgrapht.org/
What I am doing is adding all elements as vertices to a DirectedGraph
also creating edges between them (edges helped me solve another non-related problem as well). And when it's time to remove the elements I use a recursive function with the following pseudo code:
removeElements(element) {
tempEdge = graph.getOutgoingEdgeFrom(element)
if(tempEdge !=null)
tempVertex = graph.getTargetVertex(tempEdge)
I agree that graph DS is not good for these kind of problems, but under my conditions, this works perfectly... Cheers!