I have created an OpenFileDialog object, called openFileDialog.
When calling openFileDialog.ShowDialog I want to be able to select files having only the extension ".abc" and not ".abcd".
Using the property:
this.openFileDialog.Filter = "*.abc";
does not work. ".abcd" files can also be selected.
Here is the full code:
var openFileDialog = GetOpenFileDialog("abc",
"anything (*.abc)|*.abc",
"Select abc file to import...");
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
{ DoJob(); }
Where GetOpenFileDialog is:
private OpenFileDialog GetOpenFileDialog(string defaultExt, string fileName, string filter, string title)
return new OpenFileDialog
DefaultExt = defaultExt,
FileName = fileName,
Filter = filter,
Title = title,
I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Use the filter option of the OpenFileDialog
this.openFileDialog.Filter = "abc files (*.abc)|*.abc"