Working on a excel macros where I am trying to add the cell values from above cells to calculate total value. This is what my data looks like
Here I want to add above cell values for each column to calculate the sum. To accomplish this i have written a macro as follows.
For cl = 2 To 5
Worksheets(5).Cells(4, cl).Formula = "=SUM(B4:B6)"
Next cl
This should set the formula to each cell in a row till 5 columns. But it sets the same formula on all cells in a row it should get change according to column. How to set sum formula for each cell for corresponding column ?
Not sure I quite understand your code. You seem to be writing into row 4, but you also want to sum from row 4 to row 6. That will create a circular reference.
Let's assume the formula is written into row 3 instead. You will want to use the R1C1 reference style to make the cells to sum relative to the current cells.
A trick to learn what reference to use is:
into cell B3 and copy to the right.=SUM(R[1]C:R[3]C)
This is what you need in the macro.
For cl = 2 To 5
Worksheets(5).Cells(3, cl).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[1]C:R[3]C)"
Next cl