I'm having a very frustrating problem, where the changes I'm making to my javascripts aren't appearing in production, but are in development Everything works on the localhost, but not on my heroku server.
I have added an alert to be shown after the document is ready, and it isn't popping up on my heroku site. I then proceeded to copy the javascripts to a different folder, and remove the originals from the directory, commit the change, and push it. The site behaved as it did before the addition of the alert. I then reintroduced the files I had copied, committed and pushed. Still behaved as before. Through every step in the process, I have cleared my browser cache for the last month (I started the site 2 weeks ago) and increased the version number in my config/application.rb.
When I check the GitHub repo, the correct changes have been made. It's just not working in Heroku for some reason.
I have no idea what's going on. Changing any other file works.
If this is Rails 3, try running
bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile --trace
If you still encounter errors try to review the asset pipeline http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html