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h:commandbutton with ajax calls wrong action methods

I have problem with jsf <h:commandButton> with <f:ajax> tag. If it has <f:ajax> tag, it calls other action and actionListener methods in the backing bean. If it doesn't have the <f:ajax> tag it calls its own right action method. here is my snippet:

    <h:panelGroup id="loanContent" layout="block">
        <ui:include src="#{mainView.typePage}.xhtml"/>
    <h:commandButton id ="rLoanBtn" value="Create" action="#{mainView.createNewType}">
        <f:ajax execute="loanContent" render="@form"/>

if I omit <f:ajax execute="loanContent"/> part, it works fine. If I leave as it is, it calls other methods which are responsible for other buttons of the same form. Btw mainView backing bean is a ViewScoped managed bean.


  • I have found out cause. If I have <type = "button"> attribute with other buttons, it goes through methods that is bind to other buttons before its actual method. So I omitted it then it works fine.