Search code examples

How can I print the car and cdr for the consed object in this code if they are integers?

I am trying to build a cross compiler that implements scheme in c. For this I am trying to implement the basic scheme structure using cons and lists. The code which is shown below is for cons. I am not able to access the car of a consed object when it's an integer and not another consed object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

typedef enum
  {PAIR, NUMBER} object;

typedef struct node cons_object;

struct node {
  object type;
    int i;
    float f;
    char* string;
    struct pair {
      cons_object* car;
      cons_object* cdr;
    } pair;
  } data;

cons_object* cons(cons_object* x, cons_object* y)
  cons_object* obj;
  obj = malloc(sizeof(cons_object*));
  obj->type = PAIR;
  obj-> = x;
  obj->data.pair.cdr = y;
  return obj; /*returns the pointer car*/

cons_object* car(cons_object* list) /*takes in a consed object*/
  cons_object* y;
  y = list->;
  return y;        /* returns the pointer of another consed object */

cons_object* cdr(cons_object* list)
  cons_object* z;
  z = list->data.pair.cdr;
  return z;         /* returns the pointer of another consed object */ 

void eval_cons(cons_object* pair) 
  cons_object* first;
  cons_object* second;
  int *a;                      /* An integer type pointer to dereference the values returned by car and cdr         pointers */

  first = car(pair);
  second = cdr(pair);
   if(first->type == PAIR){
     eval_cons(first);        // If car is a cons-ed object, it is again sent to the eval function
   a = (int *)&first; /* tried type casting too */ 
 if(second->type == PAIR)         
   eval_cons(second); // If cdr is a cons-ed object, it is again sent to the eval function

     a = (int *)&second;
     printf("%d",*a);             // prints the dereferenced value

// If eval starts working then we could test it from the following sample code:

int main ()

  eval_cons(cons(3,4)); /* cant find a way to access 3 and 4 */
  return 0;


  • eval_cons(cons(3,4));

    maybe, should be

    cons_object a = { NUMBER, .data.i = 3};
    cons_object b = { NUMBER, .data.i = 4};
    eval_cons(cons(&a, &b));


    int a;
    a = first->data.i;//also second
    printf("%d ",a);