I connected to https://socketio.mtgox.com/mtgox
using socket.io (https://socketio.mtgox.com/socket.io/socket.io.js), and it returned an object that looks like this:
exchange: 'mtgox',
buy: 106.54693,
sell: 106.99653,
last: 106.54693,
vol: 57734.68992687,
now: 1371584138359638,
_id: 51c0b68ab3067d631c000002
I'm looking for the time and date of the event. There is now:
, which appears to be Timestamp, but new Date(1371584138359638);
returns Wed Oct 09 45433 05:59:19 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Year 45,433 suggests I'm wrong.
I checked out https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/MtGox/API/Streaming#Depth, and now:
appears in the object, but is not described in the description below.
Any ideas/suggestions?
It's in microseconds, and JavaScript uses milliseconds. Divide by 1000.
var dt = new Date(1371584138359638 / 1000);