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how to consult file as a module in jpl

I am trying to consult Prolog file as a module, since jpl does not support multiple prolog vms.

In swipl console, I can do something like this successfully

?- consult(mod1:'data/') .

In java (well, it is actually scala, but they are all on top of jvm), I can consult file directly w/o issue

scala> import jpl._

scala> val q = new Query("consult", Array[Term](new Atom("data/")))

scala> q.query()

however, when I tried to consult the file as module, I always get the exception.

scala> val q = new Query("consult", Array[Term](new Atom("mod1:data/")))

scala> q.query()
  jpl.PrologExcepion:  PrologException: error(existence_error(source_sink, 'mod1:data/'), _0)
    at jpl.Query.get1(
    at jpl.Query.hasMoreSolutions(
    at jpl.Query.oneSolution(
    at jpl.Query.query(
    at .<init>(<console>:15)
    at .<clinit>(<console>)

Anybody can point me to the correct way of consulting prolog file as module in jpl? Thanks!


  • I think you can swap the module qualification on predicate, and of course that would allow you to pass in the full path of your source file:

    val q = new Query("mod1:consult('full_path_to/')")