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Plus (+) sign in SVN filename

I am having some issues committing files to my VisualSVN server when the files contain plus (+) signs in the names. This is something I need for iOS development. When I try to commit a file with a name that contains a plus sign I get the following errors:

svn: E155011: File 'C:...\Foo+Bar.txt' is out of date

svn: E160013: '/svn/Test/!svn/txr/1-8/Foo+Bar.txt' path not found

This is extremely frustrating. I have tried several clients (TortoiseSVN, Apache SVN) on both Windows and Mac OS X, with both 1.6 and 1.7 clients. I'm suspecting this might be a VisualSVN issue, unless plus signs are always special in SVN. If so, is there any workaround (e.g. escaping a plus sign or something). I haven't been able to find anything regarding this on Google.


  • The problem was caused by my IIS Application Request Routing proxy. The solution was to allow "double escaping".

    See this link for more details.