I have a list view fed by BaseAdapter.
When something changes in data, I call BaseAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged. All works fine.
Now I wonder, if I change some tiny detail in some list item, is there some optimized way to update view of single item if it's displayed on screen? I suppose that notifyDataSetChanged blindly rebuilds views of all visible items in list, which is not optimal if trivial change in item happens.
Yes, there is way. Assuming I can identify list item, for example by assigning View.setTag to it to some value, I can iterate list items and rebind only one list item if desired, or even update only some sub-view of the item.
It's simple and relatively cheap (linear search):
for(int i = list.getChildCount(); --i>=0; ){
View v = list.getChildAt(i);
Object id = v.getTag();
updateListItem(id, v);
where myId is some ID of item I want to update, and updateListItem makes desired changes on the list item. Proved, and working fine and very efficiently.