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Inputlistener doesn't handle input on actor

I put the following Table button in my file to make a "start game" button:

// register the button "start game"
        TextButton startGameButton = new TextButton( "Start game", getSkin() );
        startGameButton.addListener( new InputListener() {

            public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
       HowDrunkAreYou.LOG, "touch d" );
                return true;

            public void touchUp(
                InputEvent event,
                float x,
                float y,
                int pointer,
                int button )
       HowDrunkAreYou.LOG, "touch d" );
                super.touchUp( event, x, y, pointer, button );
                game.getSoundManager().play( HowDrunkAreYouSound.CLICK );
                //game.setScreen( new StartGameScreen( game ) );
        } );
        table.add( startGameButton ).size( 300, 60 ).uniform().spaceBottom( 10 );

For some reason the input handler never fires, java debugger never enters the method. What am I missing? I have tested it on desktop and android, same result.

Neither logcat or console gives me any information about what may be the error.

Thank you!


  • You need to use Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage) in your code. this link will help you. steigert blogspot

    Right now all i can tell you is that you need to make a stage, add table to it , and pass stage to setinputprocessor() . for more detail refer this link and you will learn more about stage and using tables