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Emacs Lisp: Byte-compiler warning for undefined functions in apply, mapcar

When you perform a function call (myfunction ...) in emacs lisp, the byte compiler will warn if the function isn't known to be defined at compile time. This helps greatly with a top-down programming style, since then I can happily write

(defun foo (bar baz)
  (foo-filter-by-functon (lambda (a b) (equal (upcase a) (upcase b)))
   (foo-combine-values bar baz)))

When I compile the byte compiler tells me that I haven't yet defined or misspelled the two foo- functions.

However, if the lambda expression becomes complex some more restructuring makes sense, e.g.

(defun foo (bar baz)
  (foo-filter-by-functon 'foo-equal
   (foo-combine-values bar baz)))

Now there is a problem though... 'foo-equal is now a symbol and only at runtime when executing foo-filter-by-function a check whether 'foo-equal is defined will be executed. Something that normally is a compile-time warning suddenly has become runtime-error. The same problem applies for builtin higher-order functions such as mapcar, apply...

Is there some possibility to make the byte compiler recognize, that e.g. the first argument to mapcar should be a function and thus, when the argument is given as a symbol, check whether that symbol has a valid function definition, like it does with explicit (foo-equal ..) calls?

Note: The purpose is to allow making production code more readable, so solutions that require a change of each call to foo-filter-by-function or hackish code in its definition are not acceptable solutions. An example of such a counter-productive solution would be

(defun foo (bar baz)
  (foo-filter-by-functon (lambda (a b) (foo-equal a b)) ... )
   (foo-combine-values bar baz)))


(defun foo (bar baz)
  (foo-filter-by-functon foo-equal
   (foo-combine-values bar baz)))

(defconst foo-equal (lambda (a b) ...)

since both result in inferior code readability at least subjectively.


  • You want to use #'foo-equal instead of 'foo-equal so as to tell the compiler that you're not just talking about the foo-equal symbol but about the foo-equal function.