I need both ServiceReference and Service Object when I'm using my Bundle in osgi. However, when I do it as showed by the code below, my bundle can no longer find the bind method. what am I doing wrong?
public class AServiceImpl implements AService{
TestService t;
JournalService journalService;
BundleContext context;
ServiceReference testServiceRef;
public void bindTestService(TestService testService, ServiceReference sv) {
t = testService;
testServiceRef = sv;
//this.testServiceRef = testServiceRef;
test.api.TestStaticVariable.getUniqueInstance().add("TEST A");
public void unbindTestService(TestService testService){
t = null;
public void bindJournalService(JournalService journalService){
this.journalService = journalService;
public void unbindJournalService(JournalService journalService){
this.journalService = null;
See section 112.3.2 of OSGi compendium 4.3 at https://osgi.org/download/r4v43/osgi.cmpn-4.3.0.pdf.
So just use the ServiceReference
and get the object through the component context as described in 112.3.2.