I have a problem with the following code:
My main code is "autofill_DSR", the subroutine I am trying to call is "algorithm". "autofill_DSR" is in Module1, "algorithm" is in Module4. Before, I did not separate the two codes and I just had the bulk of whats in "algorithm" at the line where I write: Call Module4.algorithm, and the program did what I wanted it to.
After creating this subroutine, it only goes through one iteration of the code, however, because it performs the subroutine once but it either does not return or there is a problem with iteration in the for loop. I can't figure it out.
I use a "Sheet2" activation command because I am switching between sheets when I enter the subroutine, that could have something to do with it, could it be public/private variable declarations?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Sub autofill_DSR()
' Variable Declarations:
Dim x_count As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim item_a As String
Dim item_b As String
Dim test_string As String
' Variable Initializations:
test_string = "NN"
x_count = 0
Process_Control_NumRows = 16
' Main Data Transfer Code:
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2")).Select 'Create Array of all Sheets
' Process Control Sheet:
For n = 0 To (Process_Control_NumRows - 1) 'Cycle 16 times for each
'item in process controls tab
Sheets("Sheet2").Activate 'Choose specific sheet
Range("D1").Select 'Choose specific cell
Call Module4.algorithm 'Call on subroutine (see algorithm code)
Next n 'increment index to account for offset
End Sub
Sub algorithm()
'If an "x" or "X" is marked in the "Yes" column,
'at descending cells down the column offset by the for loop index, n
If (ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "x" Or ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0) = "X") Then
item_a = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -3).Value ' Store Letter value
item_b = ActiveCell.Offset(n, -2).Value ' Store number value
x_count = x_count + 1 ' increment the total x count
If (x_count > 5) Then
Sheets("Sheet3").Activate ' Switch over to Sheet 1
Range("A1").Select ' Choose "Item" column, first cell
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 6), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
'Insert cocatenated value of item_a and item_b
'(for example "A" & "1" = "A1")
'at the cells under the "Item" column, indexed by x_count
ActiveCell.Offset((x_count - 1), 0).Value = (item_a & item_b)
End If
End If
End Sub
change Sub algorithm()
to Sub algorithm(n as long)
and then call it using
Call Module4.algorithm(n)