I need to trigger some javascript to load up an extra part of a form in activeadmin. For the "create" action I've successfully triggered the javascript from the onchange event of a dropdown box, but for the edit action it needs to be triggered from the form load.
I've found I can trigger it with something similar to
javascript_tag "loadRecipeEdit(3)"
but I can't embed this into the form action for activeadmin without it breaking the structure of the form (formtastic issue)
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :name
f.input :production_date
if f.object.new_record?
f.input :recipe, :input_html => { :onchange => "loadRecipe()" }
javascript_tag "loadRecipeEdit(3)"
Any thoughts of other ways to trigger the javascript would be much appreciated!
Ah, found an alternative:
f.form_buffers.last << javascript_tag("loadRecipeEdit(3)")
Hope its useful!