I'm using JavaCV libraries on Android, and I've been able to get the sample Recording activity working somewhat, however it is not writing to disk on my SD card.
Code: https://gist.github.com/ilopez/6046287
Log: https://gist.github.com/ilopez/6046289
Manifest: https://gist.github.com/ilopez/6046296
Unlike save video using ffmpegframerecorder android question, there is no fatal exception. Just nothing is written to the sdcard.
I have tried the following filenames
/mnt/sdcard/test.flv - no IO Exception /sdcard/test.flv - no IO Exception /idontexist/sdcard/test.flv - IO Exception
I have also tried to place a file in the sdcard folder, nothing saved.
I am confirming the files existence by hooking it up to my computer and viewing the SCH-I535/Card directory.
I also modified the source a bit per my previous question: How to convert ShortBuffer to Buffer[]?
I found the answer. You cannot read/write data to the SD card when the phone is connected to your PC via USB. https://stackoverflow.com/a/9604364/192577 I found the files I was interested in after removing the SD card and reviewing the file system of the android device. I found the files I was saving.
Further information about Android Filesystems is available here: http://techblogon.com/android-file-system-structure-architecture-layout-details/#
Also, new files are not available until one removes the android device from the computer, and you reconnect it via USB.