User A (id=10) has created a photo resource
photo: (id: 1 user_id = 10, url: "http://...")
Now, if User B (id=20) go to this url: /photos/1/edit
it can edit photo of user A!!!
Rails+Devise provides something for this by default? It seems it's a very common issue
I just need to allow that any user can edit/delete ONLY resource it has created (where current_user == resource.user)
Using: Rails 4, Devise
I think CanCan it's something too advanced. I don't need roles or restrict some actions to certain users
In your PhotosController:
before_filter :require_permission, only: :edit
def require_permission
if current_user != Photo.find(params[:id]).user
redirect_to root_path
#Or do something else here