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i18next is not loading the translation file

I am working on some Backbone based project where i am using i18next for locales.

Following is my app.js code:

    This file is used to initialize your application.
require(['i18n','application','handlebars_Helpers'], function(i18n, Application) {

        lng: 'en',
        debug: true,
        fallbackLng: false,
        resGetPath: "locales/__lng__/__ns__.json",
        ns: {
            namespaces: ['translation']

    (new Application()).initialize();

Translation file:

    "loginModule": {
        "signin": "Sign In"

Following is my helper file:

 * Set of generic handlebars helpers
define(['i18n'], function(i18n) {
     * This helper provides i18Next in templates
     * Usage: span {{t "my.key" }}
    Handlebars.registerHelper('t', function(i18n_key) {
        var result = i18n.t(i18n_key);
        return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);

    return Handlebars;


When i am loading my page through localhost it shows me following message in console:

currentLng set to: en i18n.js:490
GET http://localhost:8000/locales/en/translation.json?_=1374495189376 404 (Not Found) i18n.js:376
failed loading: locales/en/translation.json

Don't understand what i am missing? or why this error is show?


  • In which folder do you store translations file? Default behavior for i18n is, that it tries to find localization file in specific path: /locales/{lang-code}/{namespace}.json

    If you keep file in root, try to change initialization code to following:

        lang: 'en',
        debug: true,
        fallbackLng: false,
        resGetPath: "__ns__-__lng__.json",
        ns: {
            namespaces: ['translation'],
            defaultNs: 'translation'

    This will try to load file from following url: http://localhost:8000/translation-en.json

    Basically, try to check location of translations file, name of translation file and construct 'regGenPath' accordingly, more info can be found in i18n documentation