I am considering to create a web browser which is different from normal one, which focuses on English learner or helps you to understand difficult English for instance, thesis, legal document etc. so I will add like a dictionary, new service(I wanna make it secret) etc and I wanna create web page or application too, but the web app's contents are different from the browser's one completely, if users put a PDF file, it returns a new pdf file that is re-written somewhat(I wanna make this secret).
in a nutshell, I wanna create Android app, iPhone app and web app.
my basic info: I am good at java. and now I'm studying ruby.
I know creating an Android app, I'd better use java. However, for creating an iPhone app, I cannot use java, and I don't want to use Objective-c either. for creating web app, I will use ruby.
what programming language you recommend? thank you for reading this question and answering ! PS. My mother tongue is NOT English, so sorry if I make mistakes.
Lua programming language is awesome for creating Android and iPhone Apps, You can Check this Corona SDK, Corona SDK is awesome and simple to use for creating Android and iPhone Apps, And for web apps Ruby is awesome for web Apps and You can See PHP too.
I hope that I helped you.