In my Java EE Maven webapplication running on Tomcat I want to use or a comparable library requiring a -javaagent:
Using SO research, I have come to the following additions in my pom.xml:
for actually using the SizeOf library:
to make the -javaagent call
Everything builds just fine. When I call a method using SizeOf
, I'm getting an error Instrumentation is not set, indicating setting -javaagent
I appreciate your help.
I was being a big noob concerning Maven and Surefire. The above configuration works as expected: It sets a javaagent for tests during buildtime. That's however, not what I wanted.
Through my Netbeans IDE, I managed to set the -javaagent correctly as a VM Option on my TomEE/Tomcat server:
In Netbeans (OS X, 7.3):
Tools > Servers > (your server) > Platform.
Fill in next to VM Options: -javaagent:/path/to/javaagent.jar
P.S.: A Maven solution would be infinitely better. If you have one, please share it.