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Drawing a text field without the use of JTextField etc

I'm making a launcher for a game I'm developing and I use Graphics2D to render buttons, gui etc. Now I've extended the class that does this ( with the Canvas. This means I can't use JTextFields (plus it would look ugly anyway). So my question is, how would I make a text field without the use of JTextField, this means rendering it, getting key input display the input. Thanks.


  • You state: I'm making a launcher for a game I'm developing and I use Graphics2D to render buttons, gui etc.

    You seem to be re-inventing the wheel. Why not instead use or create a Look and Feel that works well.

    You state: Now I've extended the class that does this ( with the Canvas.

    By committing to AWT components you are unnecessarily limiting what you can do. Why not just stick with Swing components?

    You state: This means I can't use JTextFields

    You can if you stick with Swing.

    You state: (plus it would look ugly anyway).

    Without images, it's hard to discuss this point.

    You state: So my question is, how would I make a text field without the use of JTextField, this means rendering it, getting key input display the input.

    Again, why commit to re-invent the wheel? Use Swing components including JTextFields, avoid AWT, and if you still feel the GUI is ugly, consider posting images and a small compilable and runnable program that we can mess with and that shows us directly your problem.