From the documentation, it says I can have a collaborative list which contains other collaborative objects, namely another collaborative list. Therefore in my "onFileLoaded" event, I have the following code:
var myRoot = doc.getModel().getRoot().get('myList');
var newList = doc.getModel().createList();
I understand that everytime I reload the file, a new list will be added to "myList". Everything works fine except when I reload the document, that's when the API will only give me "myList" and the "newList" is gone and disappeared into thin air. If I add a string or any other data, the data will persist when I reload the document, but not adding another list to the current list. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
I am not sure why the above does not work for me, but when I moved the list adding codes out of "onFileLoaded", specifically, adding list to lists only when I click on some DOM element, everything works fine. I supposed these codes should be out of "onFileLoaded" anyways, so it's all good and hopefully someone find these useful.