I'm working on setting up AfterLogic Webmail Lite for my web server. I have a VPS through http://dreamhost.com, and I host multiple different domains on this box.
I'm looking into setting up a Webmail interface that I can theme to match my site design that can be used by all my clients. I want my clients to be able to go to www.thoughtspacedesigns.com/mail, and log into their account (even if their account is something like admin@ultimate-vending.com).
So far, I've been successful in setting up webmail per domain. I was able to download and install AfterLogic on http://www.thoughtspacedesigns.com/webmail, however I can only seem to set up thoughtspacedesigns.com accounts to work through this interface. It seems that any accounts hosted under a different domain name can't be added as users to this install.
Basically, I'm looking to have a single, free, themed portal that my clients can use to check their webmail. I don't wan to install different instances of this portal per domain. If anybody knows how to configure AfterLogic Webmail Lite to work on multiple domains, or another free solution that would handle this request, help would be greatly appreciated!
I represent AfterLogic support team.
Main question here is: are all those domains hosted by the same mail server? Current edition of WebMail Lite is designed to work with a single IMAP/SMTP mail host, so if you'd like to access multiple email hosts, I'm afraid it's not going to work with WebMail Lite - at least, not without deep tweaking. You might consider using the Pro version instead.
But if this is actually the case of all the domains hosted by the same mail server, you simply need to supply its host details in default domain settings, and any user on that mail server should be able to log in, regardless of the domain.
While there's no guaranteed free support for Lite version, you're welcome to post your questions at community forum: http://www.afterlogic.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=21