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Struts Tiles 1 - nested tiles issue

I am using Struts tiles 1 succesfully, however I have come across a problem when trying to nest tiles.

I currently have a layout like so:

I wish to have another template like this, for use in quite a few user pages:

So I wish to extend the first layout for the user layout. In the tiles definiton I am using:

<definition name=".basic.layout" path="/WEB-INF/jsps/basicLayout.jsp">

<definition name=".user.layout" extends=".basic.layout">
    <put name="content" value="/WEB-INF/jsps/user/layout.jsp"/>

<definition name="" extends=".user.layout">
    <put name="userContent" value="/WEB-INF/jsps/user/page.jsp"/>

In user/layout.jsp I attempt to show the tile usually, using <tiles:get name="userContent"/>.

And the problem is The requested resource (/WEB-INF/jsps/user/userContent) is not available


  • I found some information from here

    This solution worked for me.

    In this case, usually you have to create a new definition extending from an existing one, fill the attribute in the correct template and assign the new definition as an attribute to the main template.

    In other words:

    <definition name="product.nav" template="/productNavLayout.jsp">    
        <put-attribute name="productPathNav" value="/productPathNav.jsp" />    
        <put-attribute name="productNav" value="/productNav.jsp" />  
    <definition name="product.nav.extended" extends="product.nav">    
        <put-attribute name="productContent" value="product.grid" />  
    <definition name="page.products" extends="layout">
        <put-attribute name="content" value="product.nav.extended" />  