combining closures (FCM) and generics, would it be possible to have fully type-safe criteria.
// The following works without a cast as is a 'long' field.
List<Long> ids = session.createCriteria(Foo.class)
// The following is a compilation error, as is defined as an int, and not a string
I've read the JPA 2.0 spec for type-safe criteria. But its still somewhat lacking.
Besides, I'm just using criteria here as an example of improving the type-safety of code in general. I used the static typing of java heavily to let me code faster. But as a result I get bitten now and then by the parts of my code that ignore typing. For example HQL queries.
The code you're describing does not use closures but field literals (method literals). Like the good old class literal. These could help in a criteria API. The JPA 2 source code generation work-around for a type-safe query interface could be replaced with it. If it will be part of JDK7.