I have a few SwingWorkers running and they all need OpenNLP for calculation. OpenNLP needs some time for initialisation so I wonder what's the best way doing this? I guess it's not smart to start one instance of OpenNLP in every SwingWorker. I could initialise one instance and passing it to every SwingWorker but the problem is that I can/want initalise OpenNLP only in the SwingWorkers and not before.
So I want to start all Workers in a loop and after start they (or just one of them?) should init die instance of OpenNLP. When it's ready every Worker should use it.
How can I do this?
Have all swing workers use a single factory bean that does synchronized lazy initialization:
public class OpenNLPFactory {
public synchronized OpenNLP getOpenNLP() {
if(OpenNLP ready ) {
return it
} else {
build it and return it.
The OpenNLP object returned will itself have to be thread safe of course...