In Channel A i am getting XML as input.Incoming XML mentioned below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
I am parsing this XML in Edit Transformer of the Source and making JavaScript object and putting this JavaScript object into a channel Map like this:
var book=new Object();
book.title = msg['books']['book'][0]['title'].toString();
book.copies = msg['books']['book'][0]['NoOfCopies'].toString();"book "+book);
Now i want to pass this JavaScript object to other Channel B from destination of Channel A and Channel B receives this JavaScript object as input and does the rest of the processing .Is it possible in Mirth?
I am using Mirth Version
Before saving the channel variable, serialize it (json object).
In your channel destination, write out the "book" variable.
So something like this:
In Transformer
var book=new Object();
book.title = msg['books']['book'][0]['title'].toString();
book.copies = msg['books']['book'][0]['NoOfCopies'].toString();"book "+book);
var Jbook = JSON.stringify(book);
channelMap.put("Jbook",Jbook );
In Destination Template
Then on the receiving channel
var book = JSON.parse(msg.toString());
I have not verified this code, but it should give you a coding strategy.
See Mirth Discussion about JSON
Also: Please see our HealthcareIT project proposal at area51.StackExchange. This would be a good question to ask.